Define, organise and make your entity's sustainable goals and priorities visible from a single platform. Connect your best practices with the principles, targets and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.
With Biosphere, adopting a sustainability model is easier and more accessible than ever! Digitize your information and sustainable development by continuously recognizing your achievements and best practices. Discover new ways to improve your sustainability, with initiatives shared among the whole community. Create your own sustainaiblity customized plan.
According to your typology and based on each of the 17 SDGs, assign sustainable activities and upload evidence through the platform to demonstrate the implementation of your efforts in real-time. Our platform enables you to manage, evaluate and work dynamically. With regular annual reviews and external third party auditing processes 100% online, Biosphere is the system with which you can guarantee your continuous improvement internationally.
Voluntarily elaborate your personalized plan. Visualize sustainable, possible and feasible activities for your type of company and select the ones you already do. Set new activities as future goals, create your own personalized ones and tackle each of the 17 SDGs at your own pace.
Upload the evidences of your sustainable efforts to the platform and audit them 100% online, at no additional cost. Demonstrate your good practices through the platform and monitor your sustainable performance in real time, by SDG and sustainability field.
Certify your good practices and appear with an outstanding positioning as a responsible consumption option in the main search engines and booking channels. Create added value to your offer and improve your visibility and international positioning.
Track the development of your sustainability plan, tasks, assigned users or time spent. Offer increasingly sustainable experiences and monitor your good practices, achievements and progress in real time. We recognise your continuous improvement with the assurance of external third party audit processes.
Biosphere methodology has been designed to contemplate all the criteria and requirements included in the different international programmes and labels, as well as those issued by the United Nations, making it the most complete tool for sustainability management and recognition. Manage your personalised sustainability plan, identifying the criteria you meet with your sustainable actions for the different international programmes.
Biosphere links your sustainable actions and initiatives with the 2030 Agenda, its 17 SDGs and 169 targets, achieving a real measurement of the contribution of your efforts to the fullfilment of the goals set by the United Nations.
In addition, Biosphere contemplates the guidelines of the different Climate Summits established over the years (COPs), the UNEP Programme, as well as the principles and objectives of the main international summits and charters on sustainability.
Measure your contribution in real time with indicators developed jointly with the Spanish branch of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, the international network created under the auspices of the UN, in charge of annual sustainability reports.
Models that integrate sustainability improve efficiency and performance; prevent illness and accidents; increase job satisfaction and reduce absenteeism.
By applying sustainable models, increased revenue is achieved through reduced procurement costs, reuse of materials, and supply efficiency processes.
"Companies that have made a strong commitment to sustainability have outperformed their stock market competitors by 11%". Deloitte, 2022.
Companies that address social, environmental and governance issues are more resilient and overcome crises sooner; they demonstrate a positive correlation between sustainability, profitability and solvency.
With the increasing demand for more sustainable options, search engines and booking channels are highlighting companies that work with Biosphere, as a guarantee of their good practices and sustainable efforts.
By building on the UN principles and goals, standardised with the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda, with Biosphere you can decide to work not only on the criteria available in other processes, but to implement sustainability in a holistic way.
The Biosphere methodology standard is the only one created as a result of the four Summits sponsored by UNESCO and UNWTO during the International Year of Sustainable Tourism, to work on the basis of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and with indicators developed jointly with SDSN-Spain.
A methodology that brings together all the national and international sustainability criteria, so that you can work on them all at the same time from a single platform (GSTC, ISO, GRI, all the criteria of the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance standard, the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism +20 as well as the eco-labels Travelife, Green Key, Green Globe, Earthcheck, WTTC Basics, Travalyst,, ...).
Search engines, booking channels and tour operators highlight companies that work on their sustainability with Biosphere as a seal of guarantee of their good practices. According to work carried out in 2021 by students from the University of Sherbrooke for Tourisme durable Québec, Biosphere certification ranks as the best sustainability certification tool; a fact shared by more than 55 destinations around the world.
With the Biosphere Certification, you will acquire distinctive materials with metadata and a QR code that can be accessed through the web. Communicate the efforts behind your certification in an understandable language, making it easier for your customers to understand and be engaged in your good practices. Your sustainability becomes an added value and a differentiation attribute, and a way to find you, guaranteeing your continuous improvement in real time!
From SMEs to large chains and corporate groups around the world; accommodation, restaurants, shops, media and many more!
"Biosphere methodology helps us to define, organise and make our sustainable goals visible, identifying our priorities and objectives. This is how we have achieved excellent and top ratings".
"Biosphere has a special motivating aspect: each of our accommodations can work on the chain's sustainable goals individually demonstrating their compliance and increasing the employees' sense of responsibility for sustainability."
"Working in 50 destinations, we are very aware of our tour operation footprint, and have taken action to minimise and offset our impact by implementing measurable and reliable systems such as those provided by the Biosphere methodology."