15th December 2015
The already called "Paris Agreement" will replace the Kyoto Protocol in 2020 and represents the first legally binding in many parts global treaty…
14th December 2015
Biosphere Responsible Tourism wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, inviting you to spend a sustainable and environmentally friendly…
9th December 2015
The World Summit on Sustainable Tourism held in Vitoria on 26 and 27 November was the scene of the unanimous adoption and proclamation by His…
2nd December 2015
On November 27, during the closing session of the World Summit on Sustainable Tourism, the World Charter for Sustainable Tourism was proclaimed…
19th November 2015
Catalonia becomes the first destination as a whole to obtain the Biosphere Destination certification awarded by the Responsible Tourism Institute…
2nd October 2015
Adventure travel, the tourism of the future not only because of the change in consumer preferences, but also for being the most profitable.