Corporate Sustainability

Basic Course in Corporate Sustainability

 Duration: 20 Hours
 Modality: ONLINE
Language: Spanish
 Tutored: Yes

Nowadays, companies are increasingly aware of the real need to adopt more sustainable business models. Not only because of regulations and standards that increasingly demand more economically, socially and environmentally conscious practices, but also because of the growing consumer demand for more circular, transparent and responsible economies.


As a result, companies in all sectors, regardless of their size and type, are increasingly looking for professionals with knowledge of corporate sustainability. Profiles capable of directing ESG strategies and decision-making, managing and implementing sustainability plans in the organisation, and interpreting the results to lead the change towards more sustainable models. Now, with our Course in Business Sustainability, you can receive all the knowledge that will prepare you for these functions within your organisation.

The Basic course in Corporate Sustainability is aimed at all professionals from any type of company who are interested in the field of sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. Ideal for those who want to lead sustainability committees in companies, develop and manage the ESG strategies of any organisation or have the necessary knowledge for the development of business sustainability plans and decision making towards a more sustainable business model.

Thanks to this basic programme on Sustainability in Business, you will acquire the necessary knowledge in sustainability, deepening in the fundamental concepts that allow you to address the processes of implementation and development of business sustainability plans. Training with a clear focus on continuous improvement systems, the Sustainable Development Goals, management, recognition and communication of good practices in the business model.

Module 1: Introduction to sustainability and corporate sustainability

Learn how to use the language of the sustainability field correctly, in order to convey corporate sustainability messages in a clear, transparent and meaningful way. Know the real meaning of "sustainability" and have a holistic understanding of its application in the business model.

Module 2: CSR, ASG/ESG criteria and today's business sustainability

Understanding the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, its real practical application and implications, and the alignment of companies with ESG criteria. Learning the differences between CSR and ESG and how to integrate ESG into real corporate planning and strategy.

Module 3: Alignment of the business model with sustainability

Learn how to develop a business sustainability plan to drive the sustainability strategies of any organization. Discover the issues that a business sustainability plan should address, learn how to apply techniques and resources in aligning a business plan with sustainability, and test your ability to connect a business sustainability plan with the sustainable development goals and the international sustainability targets.

Module 4: Final Evaluation

Final evaluation module of the course. It consists of a final test where the knowledge acquired by the student will be validated.

What are the enrolment dates and how long does the course last?

All our trainings are asynchronous, which means that you can enrol at any time. From the moment you complete your registration, you will have 6 months of uninterrupted access to all the training content, so that you can learn at your own pace. After this period, access to the course will be restricted.

Will I have a tutor to help me during the course?

Yes. Although our training courses are asynchronous, you will always have the assistance of professional experts in the subject of the training, who will guide you through the contents, resolving any doubts or difficulties that may arise. Through the Virtual Campus, you will have a direct communication system with our teams, favouring a dynamic and fluid exchange.

What evaluation method does this course use?

This course is made up of several modules with theoretical and practical exercises for you to carry out and put the contents into practice. Although these exercises will not be assessed in order to pass the course, you will have to take a final exam for the whole course, in which the knowledge acquired during the training will be assessed. This exam lasts 30 minutes and includes questions on the entire course syllabus. If you successfully pass this final exam, you will receive the accreditation material that you can share to show that you have completed and passed our course.

Use of Biosphere logo, branding and materials

Completion of our courses does not entitle trainees to use Biosphere or RTI material, branding, logos or other associated artwork. Without prior approval and express written permission, you may not create content or incorporate any Biosphere or RTI material into your communications. Students are only authorized to use their diploma after obtaining the qualification of their training.

Basic Course in Corporate Sustainability

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or contact us by phone

(+34) 902 929 928

Monday to Friday, 9AM to 4PM (GMT +1)