Historical villages of Portugal, awarded the Gold Medal by the Confederation of Tourism of Portugal

The Biosphere Certified destination Historical villages of Portugal was awarded the Gold Medal on September 27th at the VII Portuguese Tourism Summit, recognizing the work carried out to consolidate the territory as a tourist destination.

Gold Medal in Tourism awarded to Aldeias Históricas de Portugal

The Historical villages of Portugal – Tourism Development Association (AHP-ADT) was awarded the Gold Medal on September 27th at the VII Portuguese Tourism Summit. This award recognizes the work carried out by the entity in implementing best practices and consolidating the territory as a tourist destination, even beyond the country’s borders. In other words, it also plays an important role in establishing Portugal as a destination of choice.

The VII Portuguese Tourism Summit took place at the National Palace of Mafra, organized by the Confederation of Tourism of Portugal, with the objective of discussing strategic issues for the sector. The event was attended by Prime Minister Luís Montenegro, Pedro Reis (Minister of Economy), Pedro Machado (Secretary of State for Tourism), Carlos Abade (President of Turismo de Portugal), Francisco Calheiros (President of the Confederation of Tourism of Portugal), Mário Centeno (Governor of the Bank of Portugal), among others.

At the end of the event, the Confederation of Tourism of Portugal awarded Tourism Merit Medals to organizations linked to the sector, with AHP-ADT receiving the highest distinction, the Gold Medal. The award was received by Carlos Ascensão, President of AHP-ADT, and Dalila Dias, Executive Coordinator. This distinction once again reinforces the work carried out by the Network in implementing best practices and promoting the destination, adding to many other recognitions that AHP-ADT has accumulated in recent years.

Regarding the recognition, Carlos Ascensão, President of AHP-ADT, commented: “It is with great pride and deep gratitude that we receive this Gold Medal from the Confederation of Tourism of Portugal. This recognition is a tribute to the work of all those who, over the years, have tirelessly contributed to the preservation, promotion, and sustainable development of our villages. This award represents much more than a distinction: it is a confirmation of the value of our territory’s historical and cultural heritage and the importance of continuing to invest in tourism that is not only sustainable but also capable of creating deep connections between our traditions and our visitors. I thank the Confederation of Tourism of Portugal for this honorable distinction and, above all, everyone who is part of this great journey.”

At Biosphere, we are once again proud to count Historical villages of Portugal as one of the member destinations of our community, and we applaud the efforts of all its stakeholders for the conservation and consolidation of the territory. Do you want to know more about the sustainability of Historical villages of Portugal? Visit their profile on our website.

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