Our Biosphere certification scores 100% in a comparative study of sustainability certification tools.

Biosphere certification is considered the best sustainability certification tool, as reflected in the report "Recommendations on tools and certifications for in-depth research", produced by the University of Sherbrooke, Canada, in collaboration with Tourisme Durable Quebec.

This recognition has been obtained after a comparative analysis of the main certification tools on the market, taking as a reference a series of indicators such as: cost of certification, level of recognition, economic viability, consumption, and responsible production, among others. Biosphere obtained a score of 100%, compared to its competitors.

In the second part of the study, a survey of companies certified using the "Biosphere" methodology was carried out, in which aspects such as positive opinions related to assistance during the process, the notoriety of the certification and the certification time were recognised as qualities.

The "Definitive Guide to Sustainable Tourism", produced by the Responsible Tourism Institute (ITR) together with REDS-SDSN Spain (the Spanish branch of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network), has also been awarded first place. You can download for free, both the Report of Results of the study and the Guide mentioned above, in the following link Downloads | Biosphere Responsible Tourism . This Guide shares tips for businesses to change their business practices to make them more sustainable, touching on all areas of sustainable development, and suggesting actions to be taken for each of them.

Finally, it is worth noting that, according to this study, the Biosphere Certification is international in scope, is highly diverse as it can be obtained by companies of various types related to the tourism sector, and is accessible regardless of their size or geographical location.

This recognition encourages us to continue working for sustainability in all areas and towards all the agents involved in it: citizens, tourists, businesses and destinations.

Many thanks to all those who have made this possible! Let's continue to strive for a better and more sustainable future.

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