The region of Urola Kosta obtains the ‘Biosphere Destination’ certificate for its commitment to sustainable tourism

Urola Kosta Udal Elkartea has presented the international seal ‘Biosphere Certified Destination’, a comprehensive management system for sustainable tourism, aligned with the 2030 agenda. It is the first region in Gipuzkoa to obtain the certificate.

Urola Kostako Udal Elkartea has joined the Biosphere Certified Destination seal, a management system that promotes sustainable and integrated tourism management. It is a seal based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and on the collaboration of public administrations, the business community and citizens. It consists of a process of continuous improvement and certification and an action plan has been drawn up linked to these goals with initiatives related to the economy, culture and the environment.

Tourism has an important weight in the region and directly affects almost all areas of society. For this reason, the action plan for the coming year is based on the following lines: wellbeing, safety, education, sustainable energy, measures against climate change and responsible production and consumption.

The Responsible Tourism Institute is an international NGO that manages the Biosphere label. It monitors the annual action plan and carries out an inspection every year to assess compliance with the objectives set, as it is based on a process of continuous improvement.

Inclusion in the seal itself is an important step for the region, as it means that the work carried out so far in the region has been recognised by the Responsible Tourism Institute. Examples of this are the efforts made to minimize environmental impact and the dedication to promoting ethical and responsible tourism, etc.

In any case, the biggest challenge for the region will come now. The renewal of the seal will require coordination and integrated management between the municipalities of Zumaia, Getaria, Zarautz, Aia and Orio, and not only in the field of tourism, since in order to get closer to the 17 SDGs it is necessary to integrate the lines of work of other departments in a cross-cutting manner.

Biosphere will be an important tool for Urola Kosta as it will contribute to creating a more sustainable future for generations to come. To do this, it will have to collaborate with the business community and citizens, and thus further promote the commitment to responsible tourism and the preservation of the cultural and natural heritage of Urola Kosta.


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